How do I use the laser cutter




  • Access to the laser cutter is available for limited times on Monday – Friday between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm when CED staff are present. 
  • The Tech Staff is authorized to revoke laser privileges or demote user levels immediately for safety reasons or policy violations   
  • The Tech Staff has the final say on the materials and operation of the laser cutter and can prohibit use at any time  
  • Users may only operate the machines during approved reserved times  


Required Laser Cutter Training  

  • The laser cutter is used for educational, non-commercial purposes only. The laser cutter is for modeling, prototyping, and experimentation, not for mass production. All users must read and understand the training information and successfully complete a project-based training session, which covers how to operate the laser cutter. After completion of training, the expectation is that the user can independently operate the laser cutter safely.   
  • CED staff do not create items on the laser cutter for patrons and do not perform Vector/Graphics editing for patrons.   
  • Users supply their own materials. No other materials may be used.  
  • Patrons must provide documented evidence that material is safe for use with laser cutter i.e. label on material, receipt.  

Laser cutter information and procedures are found in the file Laser Cutter Training.pdf below.


  • Last Updated Jun 28, 2024
  • Views 23
  • Answered By Lee Cornell

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