I pay a technology fee and tuition. Why do I pay for printing too?
TLDR; You don't pay for printing.
UGA charges a Technology Fee of $114 per student per semester. CED has an average of 285 students enrolled each year. On average CED students pay the University $64,980 in Technology Fees for Fall and Spring enrollment. CED receives about 1/3 of that or $21,400 per year. CED receives about $37 per student per semester to support the instructional technology of the College and we can't even use it for printing expenses.
Properly used, the $75 allocation per semester ($42,750 per year from the College's operating budget) will allow CED students to not have to pay for printing any course materials.
On average CED only receives about $20 each from 80-90 students per year for printing done beyond the allocated $75.