Where are open computer stations that I can use?

Having laptop problems? Need a place to check ELC? Dog chewed through your table leg, but not all at once, rather slowly over time, so that you had no idea it was going to break in the middle of the night causing the table to collapse and dump your laptop into the fish tank? It happens. 


There are several open computer stations throughout CED buildings for your use should you have problems with your personal machine. There are six in Jackson Street Building, seven in Tanner, four in Denmark, and three in Caldwell. All have the full suite of apps you might need, including Adobe, AutoCAD, GIS, SketchUp, etc.

At some of these stations (there are signs at the stations) you'll need to connect to the wireless network (Paws-Secure or Eduroam) before logging in.









  • Last Updated Aug 12, 2024
  • Views 60
  • Answered By Tom Jones

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