How can I find out if an article has been peer-reviewed?


There are a variety of ways to check whether a journal is peer-reviewed.  The most reliable way is to visit the journal's About section and find its stated evaluation processes, along with submission instructions for authors. Take, for example, Arqueología de la arquitectura: a quick check of the Peer Review Process page of the journal's website explains its evaluation procedure.

Another way is to search for individual journals in the catalog journal search, click the "Peer-reviewed Journals" filter in the left-hand column, and note whether the "Peer Reviewed" icon appears under its name. (For example: Journal of Landscape Architecture) This feature, however, is not comprehensive or exclusive. (For example, Arqueología de la arquitectura does not display the "Peer Reviewed" icon in the catalog record, despite the information on its website.)

Not all UGA Libraries journals are peer-reviewed, mainly because "journal" is a term that can include periodicals like magazines and newspapers. Examples of journals that are not peer-reviewed include: magazines for a general audience (e.g. Landscape Management); professional or trade magazines for practitioners in a field (e.g. Landscape Architecture Magazine); and professional newspapers (e.g. Landscape Architect & Specifier News). While these journals all have a board of editors, they do not follow a peer-review process for publishing primary research. You can learn more about this distinction in this guide to Finding Reliable Sources.

  • Last Updated Jan 17, 2025
  • Views 3
  • Answered By Lydian Brambila

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